Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @JubilantBudgetBillDemocrat from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

I've seen a lot of embarrassing days for different House Republican leadership teams. This one is pretty high on the list.

They lost a vote to impeach Mayorkas. And then they lost a vote to send $17.6 billion to Israel.

They didn't need to vote on the israel bill today. They knew it would fail. They chose to.

 @P0pularVot3OrangeGreen from Connecticut commented…4mos4MO

Mike Johnson is already on track to be the most INCOMPETENT House speaker in history.

 @JubilantBudgetBillDemocrat from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

There seems to be some confusion about what Johnson did b4 becoming Speaker. Does anyone know if he had a job previously? Or, was he just walking by the Capitol one day & the Republicans said, "That guy looks like a good patsy. Let's make him Speaker".

 @SparklingMajoritySocialist from Florida commented…4mos4MO

Well, that’s a good thing. If Israel weren’t conducting a genocide, they wouldn’t need so much money from us.

 @GnuPhilRepublican from Texas commented…4mos4MO

I think HS Johnson has done a good job considering the slim margin he has and the Rino the republicans have. Don't fret it will pass Scalise was out for Cancer treatment the switch as last minute 4th rep was procedural. It will pass next round.. As for the billions to Israel that is up to the Jewish voters to put the heat on the HOUSE the Dems they vote for all the time.. jmho

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