Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @UnforgettableInd3pend3ntLibertarianfrom Ohio commented…3mos3MO

The corporations are responding to the US Consumer's insatiable demand for cheap goods. Apple did a study on making I Phones in the USA. They would cost double. So if you can buy a $2,000 I Phone with a USA Flag on it vs a $1,000 Samsung Phone which phone will be bought?

This has been going on for decades from TV's, VCR's, Radios, Microwave's, textiles, etc. The US consumer always chooses the cheaper product. That is why production moved. Those that didn't move went out of business. When people are trampling each other on Black Friday or shopping on Prime Day or Cyber Monday they are not looking for made in USA. They are looking for deals.

 @UnicornBertiePatriot from Nevada commented…3mos3MO

We can't even find an F-35 jet.....but at least our military has determined how to use the right pronouns. It is not a matter of "if" but when China will invade Taiwan......

 @BureaucratAbigailMountainfrom Texas commented…3mos3MO

Good luck with that. Do you think the average American even understands the potential implications of China invading Taiwan? Or cares? I'll have a Big Mac with fries, extra large please.

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