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10 Replies

 @MajesticLobbyGreen from California commented…3mos3MO

With Russia’s failure in Ukraine it is clear to honest observers it no longer presents a credible conventional military threat to the US. Don’t worry, China is now threatening NATO justifying the alliance for years to come!

 @P0litic4lPlatformEddieLibertarian from Nevada commented…3mos3MO

 @PunditNightingaleRepublicanfrom Massachusetts commented…3mos3MO

We focus so much on what the West would do if the PLA invades Taiwan, but the key surprise in the Ukraine war was how well the Ukrainians defended themselves initially. There would’ve been no united EU/NATO response if they had submitted as most outsiders expected. So the key factor is whether the residents of Taiwan themselves are equally motivated to resist a dictator’s invasion. The next article on this topic ought to delve more deeply into that.

 @AdventurousGrassr00tPatriot from Texas commented…3mos3MO

It comes down to a weakening Chinese economy that is facing a demographic nightmare. Xi needs extreme nationalism / jingoism to focus the people on an existential enemy, the West, so he can remain in Power. That is what it all comes down to. As he slowly removes freedoms the chinese people have enjoyed over the past few decades he will need to increase his aggressiveness and brinksmanship with the USA to rally the people.

 @StressedSaltRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…3mos3MO

War monger President Xi still has to reckon with millions of Chinese citizens who are sending a clear warning : Don’t destroy our rice bowl and our children’s future with your planned invasion of peaceful Taiwan.

The adult workers are increasingly not spending their savings or taking out loans despite low interest rates to buy houses, cars and household appliances. They know they will be unemployed when western sanctions kick-in.

The massive 21 % unemployment among youth is expected to grow with 11 million new graduates joining the ever shrinking ICT jobs market. Despite lucra…  Read more

 @9K986HQ from Tennessee commented…3mos3MO

 @9K834V9 from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

 @UrchinArtDemocratfrom Maine commented…3mos3MO

Egos aside, It doesn't make you an "isolationist" to seek an alternative to war. War is a winnowing process, that sifts noble intentions down to hard reality. They've had two years of it. The one existential lesson Putin has learned is that he will not dominate and control the Ukraine, no army could do that. Conversely, the Ukraine will not keep parts of its border. An aggressive, intelligent peace plan could end the war while negotiating a final practical outcome.

The rallying cry in this piece reminds me of the rhetoric surrounding Vietnam so much that it strikes me as deja vu.

 @UnityEmiliaLibertarian from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

We have now reach the part of the game where the hot potato is passed around to try and shift the blamed for one of the worst foreign policy blunders in a lifetime. Biden isn't Putin's preferred candidate for nothing.


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