Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9KFSBTXDemocrat from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

I feel like the only way to "end racism" is for everyone to share their traditions and culture with others. If a culture cannot be celebrated by anyone but the people of that culture then there will be nothing but disagreement and division in the world.

 @9KG5W4M from California disagreed…3mos3MO

this will not end racism i believe that people are going to think what they want at the end of the day and even if they were to be able to live a day in their life and celebrate their culture it may change there minds but you will still believe what you were taught

 @9KFSKNS from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

I attended a Quinceanera that a friend of mine hosted and it helped me to understand more about the traditions that I personally hadn't gone through in my lifetime.

 @9KFS3FS from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

Celebrating lunar new years was interesting in witnessing the vast popularity of such a holiday that I am not involved with remotely