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Putin Warns Of ‘Real’ Nu­clear War If West Es­ca­lates Ukraine Con­flict.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Alright, Napoleon Macron, Joe Brandon, Turtle McConnell, time to back off ... if you don't want the human race to be annihilated

 @GovernmentWhitingGreen from Georgia agreed…3mos3MO

Pick up the phone Joe. It's that black thing with all the buttons on your desk. Tell the operator to connect you with Mr. Putin. Ask him for a meeting on neutral ground in the Seychelles so you can enjoy a holiday while your boss talks with Mr. Putin. DON'T touch the red button!

 @C1v1cSadieLibertarian from Wisconsin agreed…3mos3MO

Russia won't play the globalist game of open borders and embracing wokeism.

Putin holds all the cards.