Try the political quiz

32 Replies


To what extent should a nation go to defend its allies or interests in foreign conflicts, especially when civilians are harmed?

 @9KN7XFLPeace and Freedom from Utah answered…3mos3MO

if our allies get attacked then we should go the full 100% to help them, but the civilians should get evacuated

 @9KMMJRBWomen’s Equality from California commented…3mos3MO

Why isn't the U.S. helping Ukraine? Russia is obviously communist so why doesn't someone just kill him and the war will be over?

 @9KLLSFBRepublican  from Florida commented…3mos3MO

The action should be committed only if other avenues of action have been explored and decided to be less effective than the action taken. Also, the risk to civilians should be mitigated

 @9KMG3HD from Kansas commented…3mos3MO


How do you think the international community should respond to attacks on commercial ships by rebel groups?

 @9KMBFJS from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

I think that they should do something on it because for the safety of citizens.

 @9KM75K9 from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

 @M0derateCamelDemocratfrom Tennessee commented…3mos3MO

In 1990 a coalition took care of matters in that region, where are they now? Why are they letting the Houthis terrorize the Red Sea?

 @BillOfRightsOcelotConstitutionfrom Florida agreed…3mos3MO

United Nations dropping the ball yet again on their duty to secure the seaway. Ever since November there should have been a UN presence in both Gaza and the Red Sea.

 @S0cialistOwlLibertarian from Washington commented…3mos3MO

they gave all their old ammo to ukraine and are current stockpiling new production for a open conflict with russia

 @MackerelRalphLibertarian from New Hampshire agreed…3mos3MO

If I was Russia I’d be paying these groups to cause chaos, so that’s probably what’s happening

 @S0cialistOwlLibertarian from Washington commented…3mos3MO

America should stop being the world police. We are self sustainable if we'd stop spending so much **** ing money on every other country and kept every single cent here. There would literally be no uncontrollable crisis of any kind here! STOP ALL FOREIGN AID

 @9KN7XFLPeace and Freedom from Utah commented…3mos3MO

if our allies fell we would be next and if we got into trouble and couldn't call for help when we need it then this country would fall and everything would turn into even more chaos

 @TreasuryYakRepublican from Florida commented…3mos3MO

How many more innocent mariners would be dead if the US wasn’t shooting Houthi missiles and drones down every day?

How many more environmental disasters might there be?

The utter silence of humanitarians and environmentalists is obscene.

 @M0derateJerkyGreen from Indiana disagreed…3mos3MO

Even if a 100 oil tankers are sunk or more then a 100 people die it's easily the better thing to do if it pressures Israel and its allies to stop the genocide although currently none of this has happened and houthis have been showing considerable restraint they can do much more.

 @TreasuryYakRepublican from Florida disagreed…3mos3MO

Are you dense? These are innocent PEOPLE who have NOTHING to do with Israel. How is this putting any pressure on Israel?

The only thing that will happen is that more missiles find their way onto Houthi sites, and this time without prior warnings.

 @M0derateJerkyGreen from Indiana disagreed…3mos3MO

4 months of firing at ships and not even 10 people have died I would say houthis are doing a very good job at minimizing casualties.

Also I'm pretty sure houthis warn ships to re route and only attack if they continue and ignore there warnings so yeah.

 @MagpieDeanSocialist from California agreed…3mos3MO

By the logic of humanitarian intervention it’s collateral damage in service of stopping a genocide. Cold comfort to the dead surely. Not sure there’s anything to do but stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

 @SeagullGenesisPatriot from South Carolina commented…3mos3MO

Joe Biden and his limp-wristed response to these terrorists has their blood on his hands.


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