Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @ParrotStellaPatriot from Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

She said this: "threatening circumstances FROM THE GOVERNMENT'S PERSPECTIVE".

It's an absurdity: she was actually saying that the government gets to decide when it feels threatened and then have the power to quash speech it doesn't like under those circumstances.

It doesn't get worse than that.

 @UniqueFalconDemocrat from Louisiana disagreed…3mos3MO

No, that wasn't what she was arguing. She was arguing that the "threatening circumstance," her hypothetical being a danger to the society, not specifically the government. Her example was, as usual, endangering children. It's the same argument as the excuse to ban Trump or Alex Jones from social media via coercion by government actors. The defintion of going around the 1st amendement.

 @ParrotStellaPatriot from Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

You are correct, but when government actors talk about threats to "society" that they need special powers to combat, you know it actually means threats to the government itself.

 @UniqueFalconDemocrat from Louisiana disagreed…3mos3MO

Of course, or to be more inclusive, threats to the oligarchs and various corp donors who have bought the government. Her argument is bald-face ignorance about the purpose of the first amendment. Kind of embarrassing.

 @PlayfulSeafowlTranshumanistfrom Texas agreed…3mos3MO

The caricature Dems invented about Amy Coney Barrett and the reality of who she is and how she behaves judicially could not be wider.

They claimed she corruptly agreed to keep Trump in power for the appointment, but beyond that, she's unfailingly restrained in her rulings.

 @CicadaJackLibertarian from Indiana agreed…3mos3MO

Its often (though not always) a fool's game to predict rulings based on Oral Argument, if forced to bet, I'd bet that Coney Barrett will side with the liberal justices in this case on standing grounds or even, possibly, on the merits, as she's done before).

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