Try the political quiz

7 Replies


How important do you think a candidate's past statements should be compared to their current policy proposals in deciding whom to support?


Would you consider voting for a candidate who has previously made negative remarks about your community if their policies benefited you personally?


How do you feel about the fact that many Latinos are switching their support to Trump despite his controversial comments on immigration?

 @GreenPartySkylarMountainfrom Maine disagreed…2mos2MO

Doesn’t matter - the DNC has plenty of blank ballots and toner to make things sure.

 @9KZ4T6P from Ohio commented…2mos2MO

Latinos are by and large a VERY hard working group of people who sacrifice everything to make their lives better. TO undermine what they have accomplished and have worked hard for by giving away "free stuff" is a slap in the face.

 @FierceWalrusRepublicanfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

I already called this. Alot of the illegals are very conservative depending where they are from. They are ESCAPING their origin, they won't vote for leftists who want to recreate the **** holes they ran from.

 @ApplesBillRepublicanfrom New York commented…2mos2MO

Bidenomics, WWIII, an invasion at the border...things were better under Trump.


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