Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9L72PKS from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

The world would be more peaceful and calm because people are working and helping each other out.

 @9L6ZXKH from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

There are regulations to help people, while still maintaining their belief system.

 @8Z5SKCG  from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

That have to be shaped around the family structure. We can only have support systems for individuals who are married, have children, or both. We have allowed too many people to live on social welfare without getting married, or attempting at some degree to bring normalcy into their children's and personal life. Instead we have foster a generation of people to believe that being unmarried, with multitude of children, as normal. So the first step we have to take is limiting who has access to support systems. Those being people who are married, widow, or divorced (after a period of marriage, no three day honeymoons marriages).