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2 Replies

 @SelfishRatRepublican from Florida disagreed…2mos2MO

We'll never know how many children and their families were spared deaths or lingering illnesses caused by Covid being brought into their homes as a result of altered school attendance during the height of the epidemic. I, for one, am grateful that my grandchildren stayed quarantined at home. Yes, it was a pain in the neck at times, but overall, it was good to see the schools show such concern for the lives of their charges.

 @Pe0plesPartySarahDemocrat from Tennessee disagreed…2mos2MO

We were not the only country that took protective measures. We're just the only one seeing this dramatic backsliding. It's almost as if several decades of Americans overfunding athletics, underfunding schools, and sneering at people with "fancy degrees" and expertise has actually affected how we view education. Almost.

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