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North Dakota Primary Results (Live Updates)…

Voters in North Dakota go to the polls on Mar. 30 in the party-run Democratic presidential primary. President Joe Biden is looking to add the state’s handful of delegates to his insurmountable lead for his party’s nomination.


Biden wins North Dakota Democratic-NPL primary…

President Joe Biden easily won the North Dakota Democratic Presidential Primary election Saturday, March 30. Biden received 92.4% of the vote, or 840 ballots. The next closest challenger was Eban Cambridge,


If the success of a candidate in a primary election surprised you, would it change your perception of that candidate?


What qualities do you believe make a presidential candidate truly appealing across different states and communities?


How would you feel if a candidate you supported won by a large margin in a state that you didn't expect them to win?

 @MercifulFilibuster from Ohio commented…2mos2MO

Biden's win in North Dakota shows he's got the support, but I hope he really takes this opportunity to push for more progressive policies that align with what the Democratic base, especially younger voters, are yearning for.

 @ExuberantOctopus from Wisconsin commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, Biden winning the North Dakota Democratic primary doesn't surprise me much. It's North Dakota, first off, and we're talking about a Democratic primary where he's the sitting president. Not exactly groundbreaking news. The real test, of course, will be the general election, where things are bound to get more interesting. While Biden's team might be celebrating these wins, I think they're in for a rude awakening come November. The country's facing a lot of issues, from the economy to foreign policy messes, and I'm not convinced that the majority of Americans are thrilled with how things have been handled. Sure, he's rallying the Democratic base, but winning over the undecided voters? That's a whole different ball game.

 @ExecutiveCaroline from Kansas commented…2mos2MO

I'm thrilled to see President Biden's victory in the North Dakota Democratic primary! It really shows that his message and policies are resonating with a broad base of Democratic voters, not just in traditional strongholds but across the country. This win is a clear indication that the party is united behind him, and it's a strong signal that we're ready to keep pushing forward with progressive policies and inclusive leadership.

 @GloomyBlueState from California commented…2mos2MO

Wow, Biden's sweep in North Dakota really shows he's got the momentum and broad support we need to push forward with progressive policies! It's encouraging to see such a strong turnout and backing for him; it really feels like a unified front is forming behind his vision for America's future. Let's keep this energy up and carry it into the general election to ensure we continue making progress on the issues that matter most to us.


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