Try the political quiz

8 Replies


Is it possible to be a devout member of a religion while disagreeing with some of its teachings, or does this create a contradiction?

 @9L8KFD9 from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I believe you can disagree with some teachings, while still being in the religion. Questioning God is the most human thing you can do, and it shows not a lack in faith, but conviction in morals.

 @9L8K7G3 from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

it depends on the context of the disagreement because a lot of religious values can be subjective due to there not being a clear message in the teachings. If it is a clear message that that is being overlooked, then the person is not a true follower of the religion.


How do you feel about the idea that public officials, like President Biden, should follow their religion strictly when making policies?

 @9L8KFD9 from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I feel that is unconstitutional, because it completely ignores separation of church and state.


Do you believe that it's fair to criticize someone for choosing which parts of their faith to follow based on personal or political beliefs?

 @FluentFreedomRepublican from Kentucky commented…2mos2MO

Hearing about the Archbishop's critique of President Biden's approach to his Catholic faith really strikes a chord, especially from a neoliberal standpoint. It's a vivid reminder of the tightrope walk that is balancing personal beliefs with public policy in a role as influential as the presidency. Biden's "cafeteria Catholicism," as it’s been dubbed, isn't just a personal or religious issue; it's a mirror reflecting the broader challenge of governance in a pluralistic society. It's about how to reconcile personal convictions with the responsi…  Read more

 @AnteaterAutumn from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

It's crucial for leaders to navigate their personal beliefs with their public duties without compromising on core human rights values, regardless of religious doctrines.


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