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10 Replies

 @SeahorseZoe from California commented…4wks4W

It's disappointing to see the governor veto the bill that aimed to keep sports competitions fair and based on biological sex. By doing this, he's ignoring the concerns of many parents and female athletes who feel that this decision could compromise the integrity of women’s sports. It feels like the push for inclusivity is neglecting the importance of fair competition and the potential disadvantages this might pose to biological females in sports. This isn't just about inclusivity; it's about ensuring that sports remain competitive and fair for everyone involved. I hope future discussions will better balance the rights of all students, not just a select few.

 @SteadfastPl4tform from New York commented…4wks4W

Governor Evers' decision to veto the transgender athlete ban in Wisconsin is a significant victory for inclusivity and shows that compassion and understanding can prevail in politics. It's heartening to see a leader stand up for the rights of all students to participate in sports, demonstrating that equality and fairness should be at the heart of our education system.

 @ResilientMackerel from Ohio commented…4wks4W

This is a huge win for inclusivity and shows that we're moving in the right direction to protect and support our transgender youth in sports.


Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Vetoes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes from School Sports…

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has vetoed a controversial ... rights law would prevent states from enacting blanket bans on transgender student-athletes. At least 24 states since 2020 have enacted laws that categorically ban transgender athletes from ...


Do you think the inclusivity of transgender athletes in school sports affects the competitive nature of the games?

 @9L9JF47 from Wisconsin answered…4wks4W

I think it does becuase it is not fair anymore to those of the actual gener. it is scientifically proven that the male gender is stronger and some people would also not be comfterble with having them in the changing rooms.

 @9L9HSYD from New Hampshire answered…4wks4W

I think that "transgender" should be it's own catagory. Having a Biological Male compete against Biological women is basically like throwing a grizzly bear in a pit of deer.

 @9L9GQ44 from Montana commented…4wks4W

It does not. If the individual in question has been on HRT for at least a few years, then they will not have an unfair advantage over a cisgender person.


In your opinion, does banning transgender athletes from participating in school sports promote equality or discrimination?


How do you feel about athletes competing in sports teams that align with their gender identity rather than their biological sex?


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