Try the political quiz

12 Replies


How would you feel if a job you were fully qualified for and performing well in could be taken from you due to political changes?

 @9LBQXK9Libertarian from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Governments and organizations need to have policies in place that protect workers' rights and provide job security as much as possible.


that’s total bs, the jobs shouldn’t depend on the govt unless it’s a federal job…

 @9LBQL5D from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

 @9LBQKZS from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

I think politics shouldn't affect the job place unless its needed for said job


Biden administration locks in plans aiming to block Schedule F for good…

In an effort to prevent a Schedule F revival, OPM has published a final rule confirming workforce protections and appeals rights for career civil servants.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Since his "revision" is unconstitutional, Trump doesn't have to listen to it. He could, and must, fire 80% of all federal employees with a stroke of the pen on day 1, and abolish, at bare minimum, six bureaucracies within 24 hours.

 @BillOfRightsLocustSocialistfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

Finally, someone's standing up to keep our government workers safe from political purges; we can't let our public services be torn apart by someone's vendetta against an imaginary 'deep state.'

 @AnnoyedR3ferendumfrom Arizona commented…2mos2MO

It's reassuring to see the Biden administration taking proactive steps to protect federal workers from politically motivated purges. This move not only preserves the integrity of our government but also ensures that public servants can continue their work without fear of unjust dismissal.


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