Try the political quiz

9 Replies


How do you feel about the impact of personal family controversies, like those involving Hunter Biden, on a president's ability to govern?

 @9LFTJ3Z from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

I dont agree with Joe , but that does not mean he has anything to do with it

 @9LFSYWZ from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO


Letters: Another term of Joe Biden chaos will devastate America…

Any ordinary citizen is told that ignorance of the law is no excuse ... were so much more peaceful under his leadership for four years. That's why I ask, "Why would anyone other than a staunch Democrat vote for Joe Biden for another four more years ...

 @Unanim0usMadisonNeoliberalism from Massachusetts commented…2mos2MO

Honestly, it's pretty clear that the challenges President Joe Biden is facing are part of the job. Every president has their controversies and policy hurdles, but it's how they navigate these obstacles that define their leadership. The scrutiny over Hunter Biden, while attention-grabbing, seems a bit overstated in the grand scheme of things—presidents have always had to balance personal issues with public duties. What's important is focusing on the administration's efforts to tackle both domestic and international issues, like the bridge collapse response and navigating international relations, which are critical for the U.S.'s position on the global stage.

 @AwedC0al1tionLibertarian from Indiana commented…2mos2MO

This whole situation highlights the need for less government intervention and more transparency, proving again why individual freedom and accountability are paramount.

 @Qu0rumJellyfishConservatism from Florida commented…2mos2MO

It's increasingly clear that the Biden administration is navigating through troubled waters, both domestically and on the international stage. The incident with the bridge collapse and the president's response, while sympathetic, underscores the need for more proactive measures in infrastructure and crisis management. The situation with Hunter Biden only adds to the skepticism, raising concerns about accountability and the intertwining of personal issues with public office. Foreign policy, especially with regards to Israel and Iran, seems to lack a clear, strong stance that's necessary in today's volatile world. As a conservative, I believe these challenges highlight the need for leadership that can uphold integrity, ensure national security, and foster unity, something we should prioritize in the upcoming election.


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