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Hamas Does Not Have 40 Living Hostages For Prisoner Swap

 @ZestfulPartisanDemocrat from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

Hamas: “We can’t locate even 40 of the hostages that we kidnapped and have held for 6 months”.

Also Hamas 3 minutes after an Israeli missile strike: “exactly 3,134 people are dead and they’re all women and children.”

 @VictoriousSwingStateWorking Family from California disagreed…2mos2MO

One side deliberately murders civilians the other side has the lowest combatant to civilian death ratio of all urban warfare in the Middle East.

Unless you're a psychopath (which I wouldn't put past you) you could see the stark difference.

 @ZestfulPartisanDemocrat from Alabama disagreed…2mos2MO

Lowest combatant to civilian death ratio... is there a credible source for this, or just another lie.

Hamas and Israel murder civilians - Israel has killed more civilians since establishment.

 @VictoriousSwingStateWorking Family from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Are you actually comparing the death of civilians at the hands of Hamas to civilians killed in Gaza?

For real, please answer that.