Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9LQL245 from Washington agreed…1mo1MO

I was born and raised in a very mixed race/ethinicity state. Filled with different kinds of languages; Tagalog, Chinese, Spanish, Hawaiian. Not to mention I'm a poc and a part of a bilingual family.

 @9LQH6N3Democrat from Nebraska agreed…1mo1MO

I've been in many different states in the U.S. that has had a very diverse amount of population, so hearing another language does not bother me whatsoever, especially since my mom speaks Spanish most of the time in the house. It's very often to hear another language at school, work, or just the city alone.

 @9LQGRSVWomen’s Equality from North Carolina agreed…1mo1MO

No one should care what language is used around them because its a free country and theres freedom of speech.

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