Try the political quiz

Biden Administration Overhauls Title IX, Expands Protections for LGBTQ Students


How would you feel if your school had to change its policies to be more inclusive of LGBTQ students?

 @9LNRSRH from New Mexico answered…2mos2MO

I'd be fine with it they should be more inclusive without policies but that's not how the world works sadly.

 @9LNXMB2 from Kentucky agreed…2mos2MO

As an LGBTQ student myself, this is an issue I experience on a daily basis. Without inclusiveness I believe that the schooling environment becomes unwelcoming and, quite frankly, scary. The fact a policy is necessary to normalize a human's existence is devastating. I would prefer if no policy had to be made and the inclusiveness was thought of as simply a necessary element to provide safety and happiness to the student base. Also, from a different perspective, when people are exposed to something they are more likely to accept it. If people grow up without the idea that LGBTQ inclusion…  Read more