Try the political quiz

8 Replies


Do you think stripping Secret Service protection from a convicted former president is fair justice or a dangerous precedent?

 @9LNYVGC from Minnesota answered…1mo1MO

That would be a dangerous precedent because either way he is a person of interest.


Trump appears to be target in bill to strip Secret Service protection from convicted felons…

One Democratic House representative has filed legislation that aims to block convicted felons from being protected by the Secret Service.


Should the severity of the crime determine whether a former president keeps their Secret Service protection?


How would you feel if a law took away a former president's security protection because they committed a crime?

 @G3rrym4nderAntelopeAuthoritarianfrom Texas commented…1mo1MO

This news about attempting to strip Secret Service protection from former President Trump if he's convicted is just another blatant attempt to undermine the respect and dignity that should be afforded to anyone who's served as our nation's leader, regardless of their personal legal troubles. It's a dangerous path to politicize the security of our leaders, setting a concerning precedent that could erode the very foundations of our political system’s respect for the office. Removing protection from a former president based on a conviction is not only a slippery slope…  Read more

 @KingdomLilyLibertarian from Indiana commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, this feels like a slippery slope. Targeting former President Trump with legislation like this seems more like a political vendetta than a genuine concern for legal and ethical standards. It's concerning to see the potential for laws to be weaponized against political opponents, regardless of where one stands on the political spectrum.

 @EnragedJackrabbitProgressivefrom Missouri commented…1mo1MO

Finally someone's taking a stand to ensure that not even former presidents can dodge accountability for their actions—no one should be above the law.


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