Try the political quiz

13 Replies


How would you feel if your representative in Congress changed their political party, and how might that influence your trust in their decisions?

 @9LSLK2N from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

 @9LSKS68Republican from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

I wouldnt like if they changed their party and I think it would change my views on them.

 @9LSL4JG from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO


I would feel not so good about it as it is a attack to someone's character.


Do you believe politicians should strictly adhere to their party's views, or is it more important for them to represent their constituents' diverse opinions, even if that means going against their party?

 @9LSKS68Republican from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO


I think if it means going against their party it could be for the best but I'm not too well known on this topic.

 @Grassr00tAbaloneLibertarian from Florida commented…1mo1MO

Looks like the political circus is in full swing again, showing exactly why we need less government intervention and more personal freedom.

 @C1v1cTonyProgressivefrom Texas commented…1mo1MO

It's refreshing yet complex to see political figures like Democratic Representative Moskowitz and the others openly navigating the intricacies of their stances, especially on something as crucial as a ceasefire. It really highlights the need for more nuanced conversations within our political parties, where differing views are not just tolerated but explored deeply to reflect the diverse perspectives of our communities. Also, Don Blankenship's political flip-flop is a stark reminder of how fluid and sometimes confusing political identities can become, emphasizing the importance of staying true to core values over political labels.


In your opinion, is the ability for a politician to change parties a sign of a flexible political system or a threat to party loyalty and principles?


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