Try the political quiz

13 Replies


How do you feel about the government focusing specifically on economic opportunities for Black Americans?

 @9LXQ8W3 from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

It's good! It is beneficial to a marginalized group to have another chance of financial growth and empowerment.

 @9LXSQK7 from Arkansas disagreed…1mo1MO

It is equality, not special treatment for different people of another race. Everyone should have the same opportunities and treatment. The only time someone should get more opportunities is when they are struggling financially, physically, etc. It should have nothing to do with race.

 @9LXPXGT from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

I think Americans are Americans, shouldn't be given rewards or punishments based on their race, gender or whatever.

 @9LXXYPM from Georgia agreed…1mo1MO

If your an american then your an american and everyone who is a legal citizen should be treated fairly.

 @9LXQ8RCPeace and Freedom from Louisiana answered…1mo1MO

That’s unfair but also right because at one point it was all about whites.

 @9LXQBYFGreen from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

I don´t have a problem with it, Black Americans have worked hard to get the same treatment as a white Americans so i think this is a good thing and a big step forward for black american citizens.


What impact do you think Vice President Harris's Economic Opportunity Tour will have on Black communities?

 @9LXQYZ5 from Florida answered…1mo1MO


Kamala Harris to kick off economic tour with Atlanta visit on Monday…

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to arrive in Atlanta on Monday to kick off a nationwide tour focusing on improving economic opportunities for Black men, bringing new attention to the Democrat’s efforts to mobilize one of the party’s key constituencies.

 @InnocentWalrusProgressive from Tennessee commented…1mo1MO

It's about time we see tangible efforts like Vice President Harris's Economic Opportunity Tour focusing on empowering Black Americans. This proactive approach to addressing the systemic economic disparities faced by Black communities is a step in the right direction. It sends a strong message that the administration is serious about making equity and inclusivity central to their economic policies.


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