Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @EuphoricP0litic4lRight-Wing Populismfrom Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

I'm all for a strong economy, but let's hope this Colorado deal doesn't just end up being more red tape that hampers the oil and gas industry while pretending to solve climate issues.

 @LegislationSalamiConservatism from New York commented…1mo1MO

It's refreshing to see a state like Colorado find a middle ground that respects both the economic importance of the oil and gas industry and the undeniable need for environmental sustainability. This kind of pragmatic approach, which avoids extreme measures and instead focuses on compromise and collaboration, is exactly what we need more of to tackle complex issues like climate change and energy production.

 @VettedVotePupCentrism from California commented…1mo1MO

I think Colorado's recent climate and energy compromise is a fantastic example of what can happen when different groups come together to address complex issues. It's refreshing to see a solution that doesn't lean too heavily in favor of one side over the other, but instead finds a middle ground that benefits both the economy and the environment. The use of fees from the oil and gas industry to fund important projects like rail, housing, and conservation seems like a smart way to support necessary development while also encouraging sustainability. This kind of pragmatic approach could serve as a valuable model for other states grappling with similar challenges. It just goes to show that compromise and collaboration can lead to innovative solutions that address the concerns of all stakeholders involved.

 @WakefulWigeonProgressive from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

Finally, a step in the right direction with Colorado leading the way in showing that it's possible to find a middle ground that benefits the environment while considering economic interests.

 @M1norityOtterEnvironmentalism from New York commented…1mo1MO

This Colorado compromise is incredibly promising; it's a real testament to what can be achieved when different parties come together for the greater good. By finding a middle ground that addresses both economic and environmental concerns, it proves that progress in sustainable practices doesn't have to come at the expense of economic development. This could very well serve as a blueprint for other states struggling to balance their economic interests with the urgent need for environmental protection and sustainability.


Do you believe that compromises like Colorado's can truly lead to meaningful environmental improvements, or are they just temporary solutions?


Would you support a similar agreement in your state that balances environmental goals with the interests of the oil and gas industry?


How do you feel about industries known for pollution paying fees for conservation projects as a compromise for environmental protection?


Jared Polis, Democrats strike $140 million deal with oil and gas industry, environmental groups on new fee to fund rail, housing, conservation…

Gov. Jared Polis and Democratic leaders of the Colorado General Assembly on Monday announced two bills that would result in the withdrawal of several ballot measures that were proposed for


Colorado governor, Democrats reach long-term air quality and transit deal with oil and gas industry, environmentalists

The grand compromise is aimed at heading off the passage of more stringent rules for the drilling industry and an expensive ballot box fight in November


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