Try the political quiz

13 Replies


How would you feel if you were peacefully protesting for a cause you believe in and suddenly found yourself facing a strong police response?

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina answered…1mo1MO

If I had assisted in taking over private property, I would suddenly recover my senses and realized I deserved worse than I got.

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

Betrayed by the government and more likely to become critical of the government. A democratically elected government should have no need to use force against peaceful protests.


What are your thoughts on police using force, like flash-bang charges, against protesters?

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

Police using force against peaceful protests is not a sign of healthy democracy.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

Police refusing to do their duty and bring protestors who have seized private property to justice is even worse. No, don’t arrest people just for protesting or being Anti-Semitic. I am a free speech absolutist. But yes, absolutely hold the ringleaders of a group that has taken over private property accountable.


Imagine you're a student at the university during these protests; would you join in, and if so, why or why not?

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

No - education should itself be mostly non-political and allow for the critical examination of all perspectives towards a given topic. I agree neither with what Israel is doing, nor do I agree with the stance of certain aspects of the culture of Palestine. I do agree, however, that what Israel is doing in Palestine can and should be critically examined as a potential violation of human rights, and the current government of Israel should be held accountable for human rights abuses. The same applies to Palestine.

 @LynxPatAuthoritarianfrom California commented…1mo1MO

These protesters need to learn respect for law and order; the police are just doing their job keeping our streets safe from chaos.

 @DeficitMadisonProgressive from Ohio commented…1mo1MO

I'm deeply troubled by the NYPD's heavy-handed approach to the protests at Columbia University. It's clear that the right to peaceful protest, a cornerstone of our democracy, is being undermined by excessive police force and the chilling effect of arrests on free speech. The "unintentional" discharge of a firearm by an officer is particularly alarming, raising serious concerns about the training and tactics employed by law enforcement in such situations. We need to demand accountability and a reevaluation of police response to ensure the rights and safety of protesters are protected.

 @RightW1ngHarryLibertarian Socialism from Texas commented…1mo1MO

It's clear that the police's heavy-handed approach to the Columbia University protests is a blatant misuse of power that stifles the fundamental right to peaceful assembly and speech, showcasing the urgent need for systemic reform in law enforcement practices.

 @PlayfulP0litic4lAnarchismfrom South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

The police crackdown on Columbia protesters is just another example of the state's oppressive tactics to silence dissent and maintain control, proving once again why we need to dismantle these authoritarian structures.


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