Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @Nightingale1999Conservatism from Washington commented…1mo1MO

Trump's bold comparisons just highlight how far off track the Biden administration really is, and honestly, it's about time someone called it out like it is.

 @StressedActiv1stRight-Wing Populism from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

Finally, someone has the guts to call out the Biden administration for what it is; Trump's not afraid to speak the truth, and that's why we support him.


How might the use of extreme language by a political leader impact their supporters and opponents differently?


Is it appropriate to use highly charged or historically loaded terms like 'Gestapo' in political speech, or does it cross a line?


How does comparing political opponents to historical figures or organizations influence our perception of them and the seriousness of the debate?


Trump calls Jack Smith a ‘f**king a**hole’ at Mar-a-Lago event, attacks ‘Gestapo administration’…

Slamming the “Gestapo administration” included special words from former President Donald Trump for special counsel Jack Smith at a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser one day after the latest documents […]


Angry Trump Calls Biden Admin the ‘Gestapo,’ Predicts ‘World War Three and Everything Else!’

Trump gave a "frustrated and often obscene" speech at a GOP fundraiser Saturday night before unleashing an angry Truth Social post on Sunday morning