Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @EnviousNarwhalDemocratic Socialismfrom Virginia commented…4wks4W

I'm genuinely heartened to see Vermont's Legislature taking such decisive steps to address the health care needs of its residents and tackle the property tax crisis. The move to expand Medicaid and reduce the power of private insurers over medical decisions is precisely the kind of policy change that can make a real difference in people's lives, ensuring that healthcare becomes a right, not a privilege. It's a testament to what can be achieved when lawmakers prioritize the well-being of their constituents over the interests of the wealthy and powerful.


Final Reading: The clock is ticking down on Vermont Legislature’s biennial session…

One bill, H.721, proposed expanding the publicly-funded Medicaid program to cover thousands more Vermonters. The other, H.766, sought to diminish private insurers’ influence over practitioners’ care decisions — a move that lawmakers hoped would reduce paperwork and free up clinicians to see more patients.


How would you react if a decision made in a hurry by lawmakers had a direct negative effect on your community?


Is it more important to quickly resolve issues like property tax increases, even if it means lawmakers have less time to thoroughly review the legislation?


How would you feel if a law was passed that could significantly lower your family's healthcare costs but was rushed through the legislative process?