Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @WhitingIkePro-Choice from California commented…4wks4W

Honestly, this move by the Arizona Supreme Court is a breath of fresh air, giving us a moment to rally and ensure that reproductive rights aren't set back by a century-old law. It's a clear sign that the fight for access to safe and legal abortion services is far from over, but it's a fight we're ready for.

 @GorillaFrankieLibertarianfrom Florida commented…4wks4W

It's a clear demonstration of how government overreach can impose on individual liberties, even using outdated laws to dictate personal medical decisions. This temporary delay is a small win for personal freedom, but it's troubling that in 2023, we're still battling over the right to choose based on a law from 1864.

 @GreenPartyHawkProgressive from Massachusetts commented…4wks4W

This stay is a crucial win for reproductive freedom, but it's a stark reminder of the constant battle to protect our rights against outdated and oppressive laws.


Arizona Supreme Court grants 90-day delay on enforcement of state’s 1864 abortion law…

A 90-day stay on Arizona's 1864 abortion law to go back into effect was granted, clearing the way for a possible Supreme Court appeal.


If a law is considered 'archaic', should modern society be obligated to follow it or challenge it?


What does the term 'reproductive rights' mean to you, and why might it be important in the context of this law?


How would you feel if laws from over 150 years ago dictated the medical procedures you could access today?