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Biden Appointee Resigns Over War In Gaza

 @SimilarWildfowlGreen from Maryland commented…2wks2W

“He is making Jews the face of the American war machine. And that is so deeply wrong,”

 @FederalistKoalaRepublicanfrom Northern Mariana Islands disagreed…2wks2W

What does that mean? No other minority group is held responsible for the actions of any other foreign government, at least by "progressives", but antisemites just can't grasp this and get upset when you point it out. Hot garbage.

 @SimilarWildfowlGreen from Maryland disagreed…2wks2W

You are equally angry when any and all criticism of Israel is declared antisemitic via the assumption that Israel is equivalent to Judaism, right?

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

Actually, if you're a true conservative, you realise that criticising Israel is *NOT* anti-semetic, like Thomas Massie.