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Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

people are still debating this? get ahold of yourself and let people do whatever they want so to ans…

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

"Legalising" "Gay marriage" has not increased freedom, it has destroyed it. According to the Tenth Amendment, the powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved for the States. Because legalising homosexual sodomy is not a power enumerated in the Constitution, it belongs to the States. The federal government, by legalising this abominable and anti-civilisational practice, has overturned the right of the people of the States to govern themselves and consolidated power further in the DC Swamp in order to push an ideology from the pit of hell on our nation and destroy our liberties.

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

nobody is forcing you to get gay married. explain to me how two people of the same gender holding hands is "abominable"

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

nobody is forcing you to get gay married.

That's a fallacious straw man argument. You're attacking a position I never claimed to hold – that people are forcing me to get "gay married" – and proceeding to debunk that position, accomplishing exactly nothing but the further embarrassment of yourself and your position and the demonstration that you don't seem capable of having a logical debate on issues, due to emotional impulses and charges. You have addressed none of the information I presented about the constitutional and moral problems that I have with lega…  Read more

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

how is hating gay people "common sense" as a lesbian myself I find your argument to be in rather bad faith

the bible is not a valid argument because it's a book written by some pretentious jackass thousands of years ago. The big bang theory as well as Charles Darwin's theory of evolution are a much better explanation for the creation and development of our universe. Calling me a "woke Pagan" isn't furthering or encouraging discussion. If God was real, and me being lesbian was such an "abomination" why hasn't your God struck me down yet

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

how is hating gay people "common sense" as a lesbian myself I find your argument to be in rather bad faith

Another Straw-Man Fallacy argument. I never said "hating gay people" was common-sense, I said that my constitutional and moral problems with gay "marriage" were "common-sense sentiments." If I truly hated homosexuals with a burning malice, I wouldn't be taking the time to explain the truth to you, because I wouldn't give a d-mn if you destroyed your life.

the bible is not a valid argument because it's a book written by some pretentiou…  Read more