Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @ChoughStanPatriot from Georgia commented…3wks3W

Are international commercial ships required to have their transponders on? Don't we have planes and satellites with hyper resolution cameras that can tell us what the ships may have been doing? This news just leaves you wanting way more info. I think if the Chinese were complaining that our private commercial ships were shutting off their transponders we would laugh at them.

 @PeacefulBurritosAmerican Solidarity from Indiana commented…3wks3W

China is doing what every country does and that's to get an advantage on any designated enemy. There should be not be any doubt that the Chinese and their friends, the Russians, see the U.S. as an enemy.

 @ReformJoshVeteran from Texas commented…3wks3W

Just another example in which the services of a basic industry have been assumed by the Chinese government. The Chinese maritime fleet dwarfs that of the US just as Chinese basic industries - steel, mining, nuclear energy, shipbuilding technology far exceeds US capabilities.

But - hey - the US is great at social media aps.

 @NegotiationCamelForward from California commented…3wks3W

Considering that during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, we tapped their cables using divers from submarines, it is mind-boggling to me that “no one had really thought about it before“. It seems that we have morons running around in very high places.

 @PublicPolicyDotterelRepublicanfrom Michigan commented…3wks3W

The insanity of allowing any Chinese company to come within a light year of critical infrastructure needs to end. Every Chinese company is either directly controlled by the Communist Party of China as a state company, or beholden to the CCP by law and coercion. There is no such thing as a safe or benevolent Chinese company, none should be trusted.

 @GovernmentMuesliDemocrat from Michigan commented…3wks3W

Just hire American companies to do the work. It is that simple. Just do it.

 @PublicPolicyDotterelRepublicanfrom Michigan disagreed…3wks3W

For all practical purposes, the US no longer has the capability to service even a small portion of the underseas cables. Fixing this issue will take over a decade and agreement between Democratic and Republican administrations. While this is happing, China will invest billions of dollars in lobbying and 'advertising' to prevent this. This is no different that the billions of dollars they invest telling us that nuclear power and carbon based fuels are evil and the only solution to our energy need is Chinese produced solar and wind energy. Meanwhile at home they are investing heavily in new nuclear and coal power systems.


Would knowing that certain foreign companies are responsible for repairing undersea internet cables change your online behavior?


How would you feel if you found out your private online conversations could be accessed by another country's government because of vulnerable undersea cables?


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