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22 Replies

 @9MLXJYSRepublican from Illinois commented…3wks3W

They should close it because there are many illegals immigrants passing the border and joe Biden is letting them go.

 @HeronJimAmerican Solidarity from Oregon commented…3wks3W

 @DejectedJurisdictionLibertarian from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

You were wondering how they go from the Southern Border to the Northern border so quickly? The Vatican has been trafficking them by bus from monastery to monastery.

If social media is somehow a good news source how is this news? I read about this years ago.

 @FierceR1ghtWingAmerican Solidarityfrom Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

The good news is that I guess this means Vatican City is open to receiving migrants. We should start arranging planes.

I'll bet many would prefer sleeping in the Sistine Chapel than on the streets of America.

 @C1vilRightsCodConstitutionfrom Alabama commented…3wks3W

The vast majority of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. will not meet the requirements for it. These people know that and are abusing our system. What’s more they’re slowing the process for people who are actually in need of asylum. So shame on Pope Francis for defending them.

 @BoastfulD3mocratConstitution from Ohio commented…3wks3W

Of course he is for the Globalist NWO WEF, UN, and WHO idea of open borders. He is from South America where socialism and communism are normal. The only Pope I had any faith in was John Paul II. He actually did something good bringing about the end of communism in the USSR with Reagan, Thatcher, and Gorbachev.

 @ImpeachmentRubyForwardfrom New York commented…3wks3W

What exactly does he think a border is then?

His church had a hand in creating quite a few of them.

 @WidgeonAlfieConstitutionfrom Kansas commented…3wks3W

Maybe Pope Francis should stay in his lane.

Open the Vatican up to these “refugees”. The Vatican could use some DEI.

 @FreedomSaltSocialist from Delaware disagreed…3wks3W

lol imagine hating brown people so much you think the literal Pope is the bad guy in this equation

 @PanickyS0cialJustic3Patriot from Illinois commented…3wks3W

How many refugees has Vatican City taken in? I understand the Pope has quite a large palace that could house many!

 @SyrupRonGreen from Texas disagreed…3wks3W

How many did Jesus help? We have lost site of the humanity behind immigration. We claim to be Christian’s but forget the basic teachings.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…3wks3W

Government should not bear the sword in vain, and should be a terror to those who do evil, according to the Bible.


If you had the power, how would you handle the complex issue of migration at a country's border?

 @9MM2CKMDemocrat from Illinois answered…3wks3W


What are your thoughts on the idea of treating every migrant's case individually and with humanity, regardless of the circumstances?

 @9MM4Q5P from California answered…3wks3W


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