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11 Replies


Is it right for a more powerful neighbor to intimidate a smaller community for its own interests?

 @9MMGKSS from California answered…2wks2W

No, if there is a big kid attacking a little kid, then you need to go and make sure that what is happening is justified.

 @P4rtisanSardinesChinese Nationalismfrom Texas commented…2wks2W

Taiwan's new leader should focus on harmonious relations instead of provoking the mainland with such statements.

 @C0nservat1veRalphConservatismfrom Iowa commented…2wks2W

President Lai Ching-te's inauguration speech, calling on China to stop its intimidation tactics, is a bold and necessary stand for Taiwan's sovereignty. It's refreshing to see a leader prioritize his nation's democratic values and willingness to defend its way of life in the face of external pressures. Lai’s approach underscores the importance of peace and stability in the region, which is crucial for both economic prosperity and security. The fact that he's urging dialogue over confrontation shows a level of statesmanship that's admirable. It's critic…  Read more

 @J0intComm1tteePloverLiberalismfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

It's refreshing to see Taiwan's President Lai stand firm on democracy and call for a peaceful dialogue with China, showing true leadership by prioritizing stability and respect in international relations.

 @WornoutR3gulationTaiwanese Nationalism from Illinois commented…2wks2W

Finally, a president who's not afraid to stand up to China's bullying – Lai Ching-te is showing the world that Taiwan will not be intimidated.


Taiwan's new President calls on China to 'stop political and military intimidation'…

Taiwan's new President, Lai Ching-te, called on China on Monday to "stop political and military intimidation" towards the self-governing island, which Beijing considers an integral part of its territory.


Taiwan’s new President calls on China to cease its “political and military intimidation”…

Taiwan’s newly sworn President Lai Ching-te, in a stern warning to China, has called on Beijing to stop intimidating the island nation, over which China continues to make its claim. In his inauguration address,


Taiwan's Lai Calls On China To 'Cease Political And Military Intimidation'…

Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te called on China on Monday to "cease political and military intimidation" of the self-ruled island, which Beijing sees as part of its territory.


Should the desire for peace outweigh the use of force in settling disagreements between nations?


How would you feel if someone kept telling you where you belong without listening to your own opinion?


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