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 @9NFZCSR from Arizona answered…18mins18m

He sucks donkey ****

 @TroubledJaguar from Florida commented…27mins27m

It's always tough to hear someone is battling cancer, no matter their political stripes. I hope Sheila Jackson Lee gets…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

Yes, and put more limits on how many residential (especially single-family) properties any corporation or individual may…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

Yes, but only if they are built to high standards of construction and take quality of life into consideration-- especial…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

Yes, and those green spaces should include native plants that make sense for the landscape, and those spaces should not…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

Yes! but I would prefer the state recognize no "marriages", only civil unions. Marriage should not be an affair of the…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

No, and we should ban this practice at all levels of government and ban corporations from similar practices.

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

Yes, if the doctor/patient did not try scientifically accepted methods first, or if the patient was not properly informe…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

Yes, but not by demonizing anyone who is mentally ill, and not in such a way that would make it more expensive (and ther…

 @9NFZ4WQ from Georgia answered…29mins29m

No, reduce military spending AND eliminate tax evasion AND increase taxes on the wealthy AND increase taxes on large mul…

 @9NFZ3KM from Indiana answered…32mins32m

Leader of a crime family.

 @9NFZ36P from Alabama answered…33mins33m

He’s still a democrat

 @9NFYQPT from Louisiana answered…51mins51m

Abolish the post

 @9NFYPTX from New York answered…52mins52m

Anthony soprano

 @9NFYLWT from Texas answered…56mins56m

No, keep the wall and alter the process to becoming a us citizen. Streamline it to be more efficient

 @9NFYLKH from Michigan answered…57mins57m

hes old as hell

 @9NFYK86from Pennsylvania  answered…59mins59m

Yes, but only after puberty and in a research setting so that good data can be collected on safety and efficacy

 @9NFYK86from Pennsylvania  answered…59mins59m

Yes, but it's better to take the government out of marriage and instead respect/enforce freedom of contract

 @9NFYK86from Pennsylvania  answered…59mins59m

Yes, with women's sports reserved exclusively for those who never experienced the hormonal equivalent of a male puberty

 @9NFYHQ5 from North Carolina answered…1hr1H

He doesn't align with my beliefs

 @9NFYF9N from Delaware disagreed…1hr1H

Forced healthcare is unconstitutional, and we have the freedoms and rights that give us religious exemption from enforce…

 @9NFYF9N from Delaware agreed…1hr1H

A baby is alive as soon as the zygote is created, therefore making it a person, and abortion being murder.

 @9NFY4VQ from Washington answered…1hr1H

she is incompetent