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Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Block N.Y. Bridges

 @AmiableD3baterConstitution from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

Arrest EVERY protester shutting down traffic and causing this dangerous situation on NYC streets. Yet another epic self-own by these far left wing agitators who have no idea how to expand their base beyond the usual malcontents and Israel haters. This will accomplish zero.

 @C0al1tionDoughnutGreenfrom Maine commented…5mos5MO

Polls consistently show about 2/3rds of the public and 80% of Democrats support a Gaza ceasefire. However, the Biden Admin won't listen and only 10% of Congress is backing a ceasefire. The real problem here is a breakdown in representative democracy.

 @AmiableD3baterConstitution from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

Take a poll whether they support having to sit in traffic while these idiots break the law without law enforcement enforcing the law. Bet it’s closer to 100% against. Frankly Israel is a sovereign nation and we have nothing to say about a cease fire.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

A sovereign nation we have lots of sway over, and civilian casualties are everyone’s: concern.