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40 Replies

 @9HYX3YH  from Michigan disagreed…4mos4MO

I believe it is up to the person carrying the fetus to decide what happens to it, it is their body and they should have the option to make an informed decision on what happens to them.

 @9HZBSB5Progressive from Ohio disagreed…4mos4MO

The mother, who may not even want to be a mother, shouldn't be forced to give birth to a child resulting from such a traumatic event. It may be detrimental to the mother's mental health, and would put the child in a bad position. The child would possibly be put up for adoption, which is also not ideal, as the foster care system is no place for a child to grow up.

 @9HZYN5L from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

Overall the choice should be with who has to deal with being pregnant physically, emotionally, and mentally. Whether their father is a criminal or not, the mother just may choose to not conceive the baby due to personal which can include domestic cases and the only connection between the mother and father is a child.

 @9HZ45K2 from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

Abortion isn't killing children, idiot. Fetuses that get aborted aren't matured enough. Even so, murder/terrorism have nothing to do with reproduction, whereas rape is a direct result. Forcing someone who isn't willing to deliver or raise a child to do so does nothing good for the mother or the child at all.

 @9HZ8CWS from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

They have a good claim, but calling someone an idiot prevents constructive discussion from happening

 @9HYYG33 from Kentucky disagreed…4mos4MO

Abortion is some thing that should be a choice. you should not have to carry a baby especially if someone was r worded.

 @9HYWDGMPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…4mos4MO

This is a unconsionable since the children weren't the ones involved in the act. It is their parents decisions and mind, they are their own person

 @9HZ7ZYY from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

because you cannot guarantee that the life the child would be given would be better off. most cases parents choose to abort because they do not have the proper resources to take care of a child

 @9J234B8 from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

It is cells inside of a uterus, not a baby. The first two weeks are called the germinal stage. Third to eighth is embryotic. If you take it out of the uterus before 24 weeks it will not survive and grow. If you get raped and impregnated you have every right to keep it, but if it is not your body you don't get a say on what happens. It's a parasite, using its host to grow.

 @9HZM4NB  from New Jersey disagreed…4mos4MO

Making a person go through pregnancy because of someone else's decision is less merciful than allowing a baby to be born to someone who didn't make the decision to have them.

 @9HYXNBQ from Ohio disagreed…4mos4MO

Nobody should die because of their parents past. These children have the right to live. Just because their parents aren't good people doesn't mean that they will be just like them. They have an opportunity to be better.

 @9HYWCBRfrom Florida disagreed…4mos4MO

A woman should have the right to choose till the fetus is viable outside the body then it’s for health of mom or if baby is severely deformed and will die at birth

 @9HYYWXR from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

I feel like the mother should choose if she wants the child or not, but if they choose not to have the child they should not wait until the last minute to decide.

 @9HYXYDP from Ohio disagreed…4mos4MO

Because they did not ask to be raped. they did not ask for the child, why be forced to have a child you did not ask for

 @9HXX77H  from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

A lot of people didn't ask for a lot of things. A murder victim didn't ask to be murdered. Should we kill the children of the murderer?

 @9HYYZVDPeace and Freedom from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

due to the mark a rapist can leave on a woman especially a woman or may not have wanted a child then. most mothers do it to better therself and give the child a better home. it should be okay if its what you want to do

 @9J288FKPeace and Freedom from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

as a woman who has been sexually assaulted multiple times by multiple different men, if i were forced to have the child of the man who caused me the amount of pain i was in, i would have simply killed myself. not only is it not fair to me, but it would not be fair to the child either: i cannot love a child that was born of a monster. that child would have grown up and lived a horrible life. every time i would have looked in their eyes i would have seen their father and i know that for a fact because even today there are still people i look at and see him. forcing a woman to have a child with…  Read more

 @9HZXZKF from New York disagreed…4mos4MO

I think the person who is having the baby should have the right to do what they wish with their baby

 @9HZ7ZWDLibertarian from Indiana disagreed…4mos4MO

the person who was raped didn't have the choice and a rapist doesn't have the right to have that child.

 @9HYYM66 from Tennessee disagreed…4mos4MO

Even though we do not kill those children, the choice of the matter is not up to anyone and should not be up to anyone besides the parent(s). This comment acts as though it is a government decision that would kill those babies, when in reality, abortions come from the person carrying it, not the government. I believe there needs to be counseling and informed sessions prior to the abortion, however it is the parents choice alone.

 @9HZMN28 from Minnesota disagreed…4mos4MO

Kill them all.. **** them, why bring more lives into this world when there are more children that need homes than people who need children. Why give that child that way of life and damage them? Why force that mother to go through that pain. Mind your own damn business

 @9HYWJY5 from Virginia disagreed…4mos4MO

The children of rapists are not being “killed.” The unborn bundle of cells inside a woman who was raped would be being removed from her body. A bundle of cells is not more important than a living woman.

 @9HZ5SWX from Indiana disagreed…4mos4MO

Rape should not be linked and compared to terrorism and murder as they are two COMPLETELY different things. If a women is not ready to have kids then they should either carry it out full term and go for adoption or during those 4 weeks where the FETUS is cannot even be considered a living human get an abortion.

 @9HYYYF2 from Tennessee disagreed…4mos4MO

We would kill the children of rapists so that the mother of the child doesn't have to look at her baby and relive her tramatic rape story and also so that the child doesn't have to find out that they are a product of rape.

 @9HXX77H  from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

Not a Morally consistent argument. A life is intrinsically valuable regardless of how it was created and the right of that human being to live trumps the psychological damage of the mother.

 @9HYZ3L6 from Arizona disagreed…4mos4MO

abortions aren't about the children. its about the person who unwillingly was impregnated. how is it fair to favor the life of something that can't support itself, something that you can't talk to or physically see. and then force someone else to go through something they never asked for. agency is something that luckily us as humans have been granted. it is unfair to take away someones agency just because you don't agree with what they're doing. once again it not about "killing the children of rapists," it' about protecting those carrying the baby, as well as allowing them to practice agency

 @9HXX77H  from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

"How is it fair to support the life of something that can't support itself".

So let's kill toddlers, elderly people in wheelchairs, quadriplegics, and the homeless. None of them can support themselves.🙄🤦

 @9J4SRVLfrom Maine disagreed…3mos3MO

It's the womans choice, imagine your daught comes home crying because she got raped, now you force her to have the child, that child can end up ruining her life if she isn't ready mentally, and financially. Abortion should also be avaiviable for everyone, not only rape victims.

 @9J4QGFK from California disagreed…3mos3MO

It does not have to do with who the parent of the child is. The well-being of the child matters more. That child could possibly live a horrible life the mother may not be ready to become a mother, why should she be forced to. It was not her choice to be raped she should not have to have the child of her rapist which could remind her of the trauma she went through. I am not saying that the child is a burden but it is her body and she deserves to make a choice. Who knows if the woman is mentally capable of taking care of this child. If the woman decides to have the child and put it into foster…  Read more

 @9J459K3Women’s Equality from Florida disagreed…4mos4MO

Giving birth is a sacred event someone with a uterus may go through however it is only sacred when the person is willing. It should be a crime to be forced to go through such a traumatic event you are not prepared for or don't want to happen. Forcing someone with a uterus to give birth can not only kill the person but gives no hope for an unwanted child as well. The argument of abortion is ridiculous when at the end of the day it is not your body and not your decision to make. People coming to the conclusion that abortion may be okay only if its rape is not human and disgusting because it shows the reality that people do not have the right to their own body.

 @9J3R5SK from New York disagreed…4mos4MO

Because a fetus is not a child. A fetus also does not have a right to more control over the person carrying it than that person themselves. If you can't force one person to donate their blood for another person, you cannot force a person to carry a fetus. Every human is entitled to control over their own body. Since a fetus is not a developed human, it should not control the person it is inside.

 @9J328SCPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…4mos4MO

If the mother does not want to keep her child, that is completely her choice. She can get an abortion if she wants, and if the reason for that is who the father of her child is.

 @9J2S4DFPeace and Freedom from Indiana disagreed…4mos4MO

People make mistakes every day, if someone is not equipped to properly take care and provide for a child then they should not be legally forced to have the child. If someone is raped and become pregnant it is ridiculous to force that person to have that baby, which would be a constant reminder of the event.

 @9J2J5NZ from Louisiana disagreed…4mos4MO

Victims of rape or incest should be allowed to have access to abortion care because the victims of the rape or incest should be allowed to choose what happens to the baby that is conceived. While it does take two to conceive a baby, if one of those people in that situation didn't consent to the sex, then they should have the right to do whatever they want with the child regardless of the opinion of the rapist because it's the victim's body. It's their choice whether to keep the baby or not.

 @9HZ8N24Green from Washington disagreed…4mos4MO

Rapists inflict trauma to many women and many of those don’t want to remember the traumatic events that took place, and taking care of a child takes a lot so going through the pregnancy won’t even be worth the pain the women went through

 @9J4DQ82Socialist  from Nevada disagreed…3mos3MO

I disagree that it is a child. abortion up to a certain point of pregnancy should be protected for these special cases.

 @9C8HS9PIndependent  from Oklahoma disagreed…4mos4MO

The mother doesn't want the memory of the rapist and they should not have to deal with the Bourdain of raising a rapists child when they did not want the kid

 @9HYWFBM from Indiana disagreed…4mos4MO

It is removing a child from a women’s body that solely relies on her and isn’t its own creation yet. Also, women do not want to give life to a mans child who took their life, and identity away either.

 @9HZMVGL from Iowa disagreed…4mos4MO

No one is getting one a month before due, the latest I can think of someone getting one is a month or two in. And if they are banned people are either going to get them dangerously, or throw themselves down stairs to get rid of it.

 @9HZ3BYQ from Arizona disagreed…4mos4MO

If a women or child was harmed in the making of the child they are more likely to kill or abandon the child themselevs. Many families can not afford children. Some people genetics will cause the child to suffer if it's born or there body can't handle a child and will kill the person giving birth.


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