Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-life, and I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest

 @9HXX77H  from Missouri agreed…4mos4MO

It is an unconscionable position that someone who is the child of a criminal be killed because of who their father is or how they were conceived. We don't execute the children of murderers. We don't kill the children of terrorists. Why would we kill the children of rapists?

 @9HYZ3L6 from Arizona disagreed…4mos4MO

abortions aren't about the children. its about the person who unwillingly was impregnated. how is it fair to favor the life of something that can't support itself, something that you can't talk to or physically see. and then force someone else to go through something they never asked for. agency is something that luckily us as humans have been granted. it is unfair to take away someones agency just because you don't agree with what they're doing. once again it not about "killing the children of rapists," it' about protecting those carrying the baby, as well as allowing them to practice agency

 @9HXX77H  from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

"How is it fair to support the life of something that can't support itself".

So let's kill toddlers, elderly people in wheelchairs, quadriplegics, and the homeless. None of them can support themselves.🙄🤦