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Same sex marriage is logically and philosophically unhealthy for society

The case merely erased the requirement because it remains unfair for those who can be mentally adequ…

 @9JZLWQL from Colorado disagreed…4mos4MO

while maintaining morality that the vast majority consider common sense after whatever group wants to marry is considered. Pedophilia and incest aren’t okay because the family marrying itself leads to severe genetic problems for the child, and because children are not considered mentally capable of consenting until after 18, not because some magical switch in their head flips, but because that’s considered a safe benchmark for their brains to be developed enough to understand their choices and be safe.

Interesting, I disagree for a couple of reasons.

First, you mentioned that morality is dictated by what "the vast majority consider common sense." If this is the case, there is no objective standard for what consitutes morality. For example, "the vast majority considered common sense" the idea of segregation and slavery. If we dictate what is moral based on "common sense" we can justify horrendous injustices and immorality. A question back to you would be what if pedophilia was considered "common sense" (as it was in Ancient Greece)? Would that justify…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

I said that the majority reinforces what is moral, though the effect and fairness are the stronger measures of morality of the five principles that make up what is moral.

 @9JZLWQL from Colorado commented…3mos3MO