Yes, and ban all sales to countries with human rights violations
No, this could prevent our allies from defending themselves against our mutual enemies
Yes, but I would prefer a ban on all military aid to any foreign countries

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 @9LV697S from Alabama answered…3 days3D

Yes, we should stop aiding them for like a couple of years if a country's committed human rights violations


arms sales should always be closely watched and regulated when it's from an official government and some forethought should be put into where those arms end up after the sale as well

 @9J9JCJY from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Yes there should unless it's for government or army uses. also there should be a restriction on government arms sales in countries accused of human rights violations because this is very bad and they could use those weapons to hurt people.

 @9J9GJYS from Washington answered…3mos3MO

No, there could be political issues with allied nations however The countries that are accused of human rights violations should have some kind of investigation and if they are violating human rights then stop selling weapons to them.

 @9J9G6DXfrom Montana answered…3mos3MO

No, accusations should be investigated though, and if proven to be true, potentially prevent future trade.

 @9J9DY2T from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

Yes and there should be a restriction to prevent arms sales from countries that have a history or have been accused of human rights violatons

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